Cambodia Tax Regulation Update-June 2020
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) promulgated Prakas No. 525 on June 19, 2020, which aims to reduce the withholding of withholding when the Cambodian banks and microfinance institutions ("MFI") pay domestic and overseas interest payments Tax ("WHT
How can I get tax exemption for nine years in Cambodia?

This service account insists on originality. The author is Zhang Xiaoming, partner of Zhuozhi (Cambodia) Accounting Firm, three years of multinational enterprise management experience, six years of listing audit experience, five years of entrepreneurial experience, Chinese certified public accountant (CPA), international certified public accountant (ACCA) ). WeChat: 13928404895 085502018

Council for the Development of Cambodia (Council for the Development of Cambodia, "CDC"), referred to as "CDC" committee. The committee has special powers to approve import tariff exemption, value-added tax exemption, and profit tax exemption for investment projects of certain enterprises, including the special taxes earmarked by the government for import tariffs and VAT in advance. And it can be tax-free for up to nine years.

In the previous article, we have introduced the CDC tax exemption in detail. For details, please see: Can Chinese invest in Cambodia be tax-free for nine years? In this article, we will mainly introduce how to qualify for the nine-year tax exemption, that is, how to apply for CDC.

1. Which companies can apply for CDC

Generally speaking, most of the applicants for CDC in Cambodia are garment and other processing industries, mainly because they can create a large number of employment opportunities and comply with local industrial policies. However, according to the spirit of the relevant documents, as long as they meet the government's industry guidelines and meet the needs of Cambodia, they can apply for CDC after they meet the relevant application requirements, especially related processing and manufacturing industries. Some advanced technology companies and other large enterprises can apply for CDC. , Investors mainly need to compare and analyze the processing cost and tax exemption amount which is more cost-effective.


2. How to apply for CDC

There are a lot of professional work in CDC application. Generally, investors entrust professional agency to handle it. The materials required for processing will be slightly different depending on the investment project, but the main materials and procedures required are as follows: application form, company charter, CDC personnel meeting To inspect the company, if the shareholder is a company, you must have information (lawyer certification representative, company's articles of association and business license), investor passport, investor photo, no criminal record, investment address information, such as: (building approval form, address lease contract) , Property license), certificate of deposit funds, and investment amount must meet certain requirements.

3. Cost and time for applying for CDC

CDC application will vary in cost and time due to different investment industries. For conventional enterprises, the current market price for applying for CDC is generally more than 50,000 yuan, and the application time is generally more than 3 months.

4, the CDC years and annual inspection

The useful life of the CDC will be subject to actual approval by the CDC, and will generally vary according to the investor’s investment projects, and the longest period will not exceed nine years. The CDC certificate requires an annual inspection every year, and the annual inspection costs are several thousand.

5. Change of shareholders and legal persons of CDC

In the event of a change of shareholders and legal persons in CDC, it is different from the change of related matters of a regular company, and the change can be made in the Ministry of Commerce and the Taxation Bureau after the change of the CDC. The cost of the change is high, so when applying for CDC, the relevant personnel need to be determined in advance to avoid the trouble and cost of the change.