Cambodia Tax Regulation Update-June 2020
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) promulgated Prakas No. 525 on June 19, 2020, which aims to reduce the withholding of withholding when the Cambodian banks and microfinance institutions ("MFI") pay domestic and overseas interest payments Tax ("WHT
Cambodia will be exempted from relevant corporate taxes to fight COVID-19 from March

This service account insists on originality. The author is Zhang Xiaoming, partner of Zhuozhi (Cambodia) Accounting Firm, three years of multinational enterprise management experience, six years of listing audit experience, five years of entrepreneurial experience, Chinese certified public accountant (CPA), international certified public accountant (ACCA) ). Customer Service WeChat: exe5555, 0974589151

The Royal Government of Cambodia announced its support policy for private enterprises and employees on March 31, 2020. The original text is attached and the Chinese translation is as follows:

The government has introduced other measures to help private businesses and employees affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

After the overall assessment, although the Cambodian economy is still strong, although the government has launched the first round of relevant measures on February 24, 2020, the relevant measures will continue to operate as usual in the Royal Government. It was decided to adopt another measure on March 31, 2020. A round of measures aimed at helping the worst-hit private sector to tide over the difficulties and assisting workers in related sectors.

Companies that the new measures have helped include aviation, tourism, construction, commerce and manufacturing, and private enterprises.

First: Aviation

*Reduction of Cambodian Airlines' minimum tax from March to May

*After this period, the payment deadline for civil air tickets will be postponed to six months.

Second: Tourism

* Extend the monthly tax exemption to hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and travel agencies registered with the Cambodian Taxation Bureau, and conduct business activities in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Baima, Kampot, Ba Vy and Poppy, tax holidays From March to May 2020. However, the above-mentioned enterprises are still obliged to declare normally during the tax exemption period.

*Taxpayers are required to submit the 2019 income tax return at least before the end of March 2020, but the tax is allowed to be paid every month before November 2020.

* To expand the scope of the guarantee mechanism, the government will provide 20% of the minimum wage (20% of US$190) to the income of workers affected by the closure of hotels, inns, restaurants and agents. If you need to apply for a 20% subsidy of the minimum wage, you must participate in a one to two-week training course organized by the Ministry of Tourism.

The minimum wage allowance requires the preparation of an employee verification mechanism and the verification of the name of the trainer with the list of workers in hotels, restaurants and travel agencies.

*There is no need to pay for insurance, occupational and health insurance and related benefits during the suspension period.

Third, the government encourages building owners, business owners, and factory owners to negotiate with tenants about possible delays in rent payment and leasing services, so as to prevent the tenants from being evicted, thereby providing convenience for the tenants.

Fourth, all ministries and agencies must fully implement the directive.

Fifth, the Royal Government will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on economic and social issues, and is ready to take further measures to provide enterprises and workers with appropriate and necessary support.

Zhuo Zhi’s comment: The aviation industry is exempt from the minimum tax, and extending the account period can relieve its financial pressure. Since the minimum tax is a pre-paid tax that is calculated annually, the essence is only late payment; hotels, catering, etc. involved in the tourism industry this time The government supports more and exempts corporate tax, but for non-income companies, more attention is paid to lease tax. However, this tax is the tax payable by landlords, and the company is only withholding and paying, so it is not within the scope of this exemption. The delay in the payment of corporate income tax can be used reasonably by other companies, but most companies have already paid; other related industries are only in terms of rent, and the Cambodian government has clearly proposed a delay in payment. The document stipulates that all companies must declare relevant taxes on time, regardless of whether they are deducted or exempted.

The original government text is as follows:


