Cambodia Tax Regulation Update-June 2020
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) promulgated Prakas No. 525 on June 19, 2020, which aims to reduce the withholding of withholding when the Cambodian banks and microfinance institutions ("MFI") pay domestic and overseas interest payments Tax ("WHT
Can Chinese people invest in gold for nine years?

There are countless descendants of dragons who have dreams. They are or will be in Cambodia. They do not pay attention to the relevant laws and regulations of finance and tax. You will be overthrown by sudden attacks, because the speed at which you make money can hardly catch up with a huge legal sanction. This service account insists on originality. The author Zhang Xiaoming, Chairman of Zhuo Zhi Cambodia, three years of multinational enterprise management experience, six years of listing audit experience, five years of entrepreneurial experience, Chinese Certified Public Accountant (CPA), International Certified Public Accountant (ACCA). WeChat: 13928404895, 085502018

Can a nine-year harvest in capital investment? Yes it is! 

First get to know a government department

Council for the Development of Cambodia (Council for the Development of Cambodia, "CDC"), referred to as "CDC" committee. The committee has special powers to approve import tariff exemption, value-added tax exemption, and profit tax exemption for investment projects of certain enterprises, including the special taxes earmarked by the government for import tariffs and VAT in advance. Of course, these tax exemptions are subject to certain requirements and conditions.

Secondly, we recognize the three letters

QIP is the abbreviation of Qualified Investment Project, which refers to investment projects that have been approved by the Cambodia Development Commission (CDC) and can enjoy investment preferences. QIP discounts are for projects, not for the company as a whole. So the key point is how to get a qualified investment project (QIP) from the "CDC" committee and obtain the final registration certificate, and you can enjoy various benefits.

Application conditions:

Investment projects must meet the minimum investment requirements of the industry; 

Prepare materials according to legal requirements;

Apply to CDC members and other departments 

After passing the certification, what tax benefits can be obtained:

Tariffs: Imported items, whether they are machinery or raw materials, must submit a list report to the CDC committee in advance, and then the CDC committee will organize an inter-departmental team to discuss, evaluate and review. If it is approved, CDC will issue a list of approval documents for import tax exemption to the investment company. The list of approval documents contains detailed information about the items that can enjoy import tax exemption, such as their quantity and units. After obtaining the CDC approval list, the foreign investment company can import the items listed on the list from abroad, and the quantity must not exceed the number approved on the list, let alone deviate from the price and items on the list, because these will be imported soon The tax payment of the goods has been transferred to the account under the name of the import company and transferred under the jurisdiction of the customs. The customs has issued a special tax check for the tax amount on behalf of the country. When the import company clears the customs, it only needs to pay the customs or ask for the bill of lading to clear the customs and collect the goods.

Value-added tax: It is worth noting that although import duties are exempted, value-added tax may not be exempted. Because value-added tax is a special type of tax, it can be deductible for input or output, so only garment factories or shoe factories exporting with foreign capital can obtain VAT exemption qualifications. For other foreign-funded companies, construction engineering companies, construction companies, construction projects or aid projects and foundry companies that have obtained CDC approval for investment, except for special clauses in the contract with the government stating that value-added tax can be exempted, under normal circumstances, All other taxes of the operating company must be paid, otherwise the fines will be issued correctly, and there will be no special treatment or room for negotiation.

Income tax: 0% corporate income tax, or 40% for the first year of depreciation of "manufacturing and processing" assets. Preferential period = Trigger period + 3 years + priority Period (the maximum period of all preferential periods is 9 years), after the expiration of the specified tax rate carried out.

Reminder, the above discount is only on the day of obtaining the Final Registration Certificate (FRC) from the CDC Development Committee, which is the date of obtaining the QIP.