Cambodia Tax Regulation Update-June 2020
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) promulgated Prakas No. 525 on June 19, 2020, which aims to reduce the withholding of withholding when the Cambodian banks and microfinance institutions ("MFI") pay domestic and overseas interest payments Tax ("WHT
What taxes do I have to pay when operating a business in Vietnam, and how?

This service account insists on originality. The author is Zhang Xiaoming, partner of Zhuozhi (Vietnam) Accounting Firm, three years of multinational enterprise management experience, six years of listing audit experience, five years of entrepreneurial experience, Chinese certified public accountant (CPA), international certified public accountant (ACCA) ). WeChat: hy945568

Investing in a company in Vietnam mainly involves four parts of taxation: house tax, value-added tax (VAT), business income tax, and personal income tax.

I will compare and explain with the current taxation system in China. According to the specific investment situation and the specific policies of investment promotion, the tax rate is slightly different; but this situation is applicable to most foreign-funded enterprises, mainly for entity production enterprises, and the service industry is slightly different. The threshold for import and export trading companies in Vietnam is relatively high, and the relevant procedures will be slightly different.

Prerequisite: Chinese passport holders (investors) and Chinese-funded companies should try not to invest in Vietnam in the form of "person head companies". This is a serious warning. Therefore, this text is mainly aimed at the situation of full foreign investment.

Regarding house tax:

It is equivalent to China's stamp duty, which is paid according to a certain proportion of the company's investment amount. The maximum payment amount is 3,000,000 VND. This part of the fee is very small and can basically be ignored for industrial enterprises. This fee is similar to the annual review fee of the business license of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Pay the current year’s taxes at the beginning of each year.

Regarding Value Added Tax (VAT):

This part is an important taxation system for Vietnamese expenses. It is similar to the part of professional VAT invoices in general taxpayers in our country. Under normal circumstances in our country, everyone understands that it is 17%. The input and output items can be deducted, that is Tax deduction, and the difference is taxed in proportion. In Vietnam, the tax rate is slightly lower, except for government-supported projects such as agriculture, which is 5%. The rest is basically 10%. If the company is special and has no deduction, you can apply for a tax refund to the Vietnamese tax system. This part of the tax is difficult to get a relief. Pay by the 20th of each month.

Regarding business income tax:

This part is similar to our country’s corporate income tax, and has nothing to do with our China’s business tax. The payment is made in accordance with the company’s profits, and the payment rate is 20%. Some foreign-funded enterprises can enjoy tax exemption policies. In this case, you must check your own business license. In Vietnam, the preferential policies given to enterprises are directly included in the business license. Manifestation.

Regarding personal income tax:

Currently (August 2016) in accordance with Vietnam regulations, monthly income of 9 million or more VND is taxed at 5%. Similar to China, the levy standard is implemented according to a proportional gradient. The higher the income, the larger the ratio, which is basically the same as the situation in China.

other fee:

For auditing, a foreign-funded company requires a third-party audit once a year. The audit fee may range from several hundred dollars, depending on the complexity of the audit work of the company and the size of the company.

Questions and answers about the situation of taxes and fees in Vietnam:

a. If the company is wholly foreign-owned and is located in an industrial zone, is it tax exempt for the first two or four years, and what tax is exempt?

The specific tax exemption situation should be checked and obtained the business license, even if the exemption is only the part of the corporate income, which is the business income tax mentioned above.

b. If a third-party company makes accounts to a foreign company, does it include providing the chief accountant and internal accounting?

Chinese private enterprises are familiar with the problems of the two books, so I won't say much. Third-party accounting companies must provide external accounts and accounts for the official tax system. Regarding the issue of the chief accountant, in Vietnam, there can be or can be concurrently held by other important personnel of the company, but you must have a sufficient understanding of the company's accounts.

c. Are the 5 shareholders of our company also exempt from personal income tax for 4 years?

For the specific situation, please check the description on the obtained business license.

d. Under what circumstances can I apply for a tax refund? Is there a limit on the amount? How long is the time?

The time is about one year. Under normal circumstances, the business side can handle it flexibly.

e. What is the current salary limit of employees before they do not need to pay personal income tax?

9 million VND per month

ps: Attach relevant documents of the Vietnamese government (partial translation):

1. Thuế suất thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp:Business income tax rate

Từ ngày 1/1/2016 trở đi: From January 1, 2016

- Tất cả các DN đang áp dụng thuế suất 20 và 22% sẽ chuyển sang áp dụng mức thuế là 20%.

-All companies applying the 20% and 22% tax rates will switch to the 20% tax rate.

2. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp (thuế TNDN) Business income tax

Business income tax payable Số thuế TNDN phải nộp = (Revenue Doanh thu –Various expenses  Các khoản chi được trừ – Tax-free income thu nhập được miễn thuế – Various losses các khoản lỗ được kết chuyển từ các năm trước) x tax rate thuế suất

3. Thuế giá trị gia tăng (thuế GTGT)VAT

Tùy theo phương pháp tính thuế GTGT mà doanh nghiệp lựa chọn ban đầu mà có các mức thuế suất khác nhau.There are various tax rates according to the business registration

Đối với phương pháp khấu trừ thuế GTGT:

Amount of VAT payable Số thuế GTGT phải nộp = (Giá tính thuế của hàng hóa, dịch vụ bán ra x Value-added tax rate thuế suất thuế GTGT) – số thuế GTGT đầu vào được khấu trừ.

có 03 mức thuế suất thuế GTGT: There are 3 VAT rates

- tax rate Mức thuế 0%.

- tax rate Mức thuế 5%.

-tax rate  Mức thuế 10%.

4. Thuế xuất nhập khẩu (thuế XNK)Import and export taxes

Tùy theo loại mặt hàng mà doanh nghiệp kinh doanh xuất nhập khẩu có các phương pháp tính thuế khác nhau: Calculate different taxes according to the company's import and export business products

Đối với mặt hàng áp dụng thuế suất %: For adopting% tax rate

Import and export taxes payable Số thuế XNK phải nộp =Actual import and export quantity of products  số lượng đơn vị từng mặt hàng thực tế XNK x Tax calculation unit price giá tính thuế x tax rate thuế suất.

Xem chi tiết biểu thuế xuất nhập khẩu 2016 tại Thông tư 182/2015/TT-BTC.

5. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp Business income tax

- Doanh nghiệp: Kê khai và nộp theo từng quý, cuối năm nộp quyết toán thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp năm.

-Enterprise: According to quarterly payment, the annual business income tax annual report is settled at the end of the year.

- Mức thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp hàng năm là 25% lợi nhuận.

-The annual business income tax is 25% of the profit

- Ngoài ra tuỳ thuộc vào quá trình hoạt động kinh doanh mà doanh nghiệp có thể phát sinh những loại thuế thác nhau.

-Except, different taxes will be added according to the course of business activities